
Sorry, there's no real "overnight success."

Overnight success is a myth...If you read the stories of successful authors, you would learn that it usually took up to 10 years for their first success.

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What Self-Published Authors Need to Know about Retail Bookstore Signings

More retail bookstores are including self-published authors in their individual and group book signing events. However authors need to know what steps to take to ensure they are included in these opportunities.

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What is your Unique Selling Point (UPS) / Hook?

Everyone in business needs a "Unique Selling Point"(USP)/Hook. Whether you are selling a product (book, artwork, candles), providing a service (PR, photography, writing) or want to attract attendees to your event (conference, festival, workshop). What's yours?

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When is the best time to release a self-published book?

One of the more frequent questions I'm asked is when is a good time of year to do a new book release for my self-published book. My answer is...

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5 Tips for Choosing the Best Domain Name

What's more important than the design of a new website? As someone said, words have meaning and names have power. This is becoming more and more important in the age of internet marketing and branding development.

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Local Media Coverage is Important

Local Media Coverage is still very important! Learn why.

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Should small businesses hire a publicist?

I frequently get asked by small businesses if they should hire a publicist. Here's some info to help you decide...

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Build a winning website!

Your website is your online business it doing what it's supposed to do?

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Why Women Dominate PR

That women are so prevalent in the public relations business should be news to no one (especially frequent visitors to this site).

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5 Mistakes to Avoid on Social Media

Social Media has replaced a personal journal for some, not a wise decision. One never knows who is reading those posts or viewing your pictures.

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