Cherrie Woods is the Authors' PR Guru!

"I help get you and your books 'in the spotlight' both online and offline, so you can  increase your book sales."

Cherrie Woods Portrait

Cherrie Woods, founder of Eclectic PR is a 20-year public relations (PR) veteran and the go-to-PR expert /coach for authors - whether self or traditionally traditionally. An author/poet herself, Woods has worked with diverse authors who write in all genres. She helps authors determine what they need to do to improve their book products both online and offline to increase sales.  

Woods and her team also offer the following services:





Women Winning at Writing Podcast: Yes, You Need a PR Rep! featuring Cherrie Woods (3/24) 

Women Winning at Writing Podcast Image and link to Spotify

Client Testimonials! 

Cherrie was able to open doors for me that would've remained closed had it not been for her advocating for me as a new author. She also assisted in the design of my new cover, secured media coverage and book signing events, and provided PR coaching as well as media training. Cherrie, thanks for your hard work and for fighting for new authors.

- Victoria Kent - author, "Almost 30"

I appreciated that Cherrie Woods held me accountable every step of the way. I also enjoyed our brainstorming sessions for my website, book cover and PR Plans. Cherrie has me excited again about my writing projects.

- Deliah Lawrence - author Gotta Let it Go 




On Amazon - Print/Ebook on sale!
$14.99 / $4.99


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